Radio New Zealand… Bullshit Merchants

Jessie Mulligan, And The Lies He Promoted Live On Air
Spring has written to RNZ, and Jesse Mulligan, to ask the hard questions on why they promoted the Whale Oil book like they did.
To date we have had no reply. Maybe Jessie Mulligan should interview Marc Spring… given journalistic standards and all.
Maybe RNZ are just lefty wankers? Or are they just so embarrassed because they openly promoted a defamatory book?
The interview that Matthew Blomfield gave was just more of his spin, bluster, and bullshit. As they say, never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Margie Thomson certainly didn’t. Spring says “she is the Alison Holst of cooked books, but can’t cook” 
Blomfield is noted in the interview with Mulligan as saying that lawyer, Steven Price went through the book ‘line by line’ because the types of people (he defamed) are highly litigious. Oh the irony… claim defamation, then defame. 
Blomfield was finally right for once… well partly any way. Litigious yes, highly, no. Spring is no stranger to defamation law, having twice in 2022 been successful in taking defamation claims, and he says he is not done yet. 
The story and interview by Mulligan is pure fiction. RNZ even claim that Blomfield won his case V Slater. We certainly can’t find any judgments where Blomfield has won! The story RNZ is promoting is all thats wrong with the supposed main stream media in NZ. Spring says “Mulligan is just a repeater, nothing more, in fact he is just a sniffer of Blomfield’s bullshit” 
What we do know is that the Blomfield v Slater case is still going, and is far from over, to date with no damages being awarded to Matthew Blomfield. For some strange reason David Fisher at the NZ Herald also reported that Blomfield had won. It’s perplexing to say the least. 
The High Court has now appointed William Akel as Amicus Curiae to the Blomfield v Slater case, so he can examine Blomfield in the witness stand. To date that has yet to happen, and for some reason Blomfield, via his counsel, Felix Geiringer, keeps putting the case off. Spring has recently written to Felix Geiringer, so we will have a story up soon about Geiringer’s response. Spring says “Felix is just as delusional as Blomfield, so I can’t wait for him to give me the information he relies on, and I just can’t believe that the information he says he holds is not in the hands of the NZ Police… but he holds nothing other than fantasy” 
Blomfield says in the interview that author, Margie Thomson, went through 30,000 – 40,000 pages of information so she could comfortably write the book. Blomfield went on to say that he didn’t want to risk defaming anyone! We are unsure what 30,000 to 40,000 documents Blomfield is referring to. 
Of course the book was, according to Blomfield, extensively reviewed by Victoria University law lecturer, defamation expert, and lawyer, Steven Price. Apparently Price wanted to see every document that proved the book as being the truth. 
Spring says “Price is clearly no expert, as how could anyone approve a book to be published like Price did, I would want my money back”.
The media beat up on the Whale Oil book has been incredible, John Campbell even allowed a TVNZ interview slot to promote this fictional account of Blomfield’s life. Talk about egg on faces. 
Blomfield says that Nicky Hagar was the catalyst for the book, and they discussed the benefits that would come from it. Spring, laughing says “to this day I am still wondering about those benefits, as how on earth has this been a win for Blomfield, author Margie Thomson or the publishers, Potton and Burton.” 
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