To be blunt, but honest, Michael Wood will offer… NOTHING.
This appointment is a direct response to the Labour Party losing its grip on our biggest city, and our biggest voter base.
A quick look at Michael Wood’s list of achievements, or should we say lack there of, its hard to see how this particular Cabinet appointment was really that smart.
- Harbour Bridge Bike Lane $51m
- Light Rail $30b
- 30Km/ph speed limits to bring the City to a halt
- Immigration restrictions that have dragged multiple sectors to their knees
To think Wood was even a possible consideration for our next PM!
If ever Auckland was to get an incompetent under achiever, then Michael Wood is our guy.
To think Auckland does not see through all this just shows the sheer arrogance of Hipkins and his laughable Cabinet reshuffle.
Wayne Brown might not be everyones cup of tea as they say, but him hating the media and calling them ‘drongos’ is hardly saying we need an incompetent Minister to start interfering in the role of the Mayor. I dont recall anyone offering Len Brown condoms when they all knew of his Board Room antics!
What about the last 2 terms of Phil Goff? … a serial trougher, a useless Mayor – only to be rewarded with an international piss drinking post, once again at the cost of the tax payer.
Another aspect to consider is that Simon Bridges will be making the most of his political capital running the Chamber of Commerce. Love him or hate him, he is working bloody hard to help Auckland business. The last thing we need is interference from a dud Cabinet Minister. Labour will be very concerned that Bridges will know the skeltons and agendas of the Labour Party.
What we are seeing once again from Labour in Auckland is control.
By the time the next election comes around, the cost of the floods will have turned into more inflationary pressure as the hundreds of millions, if not billions will pump up the Auckland economy, which will lead to further interest rate rises – thus hurting the “we are focused on the economy” narrative being put out there by Jacinda 2.0… Hipkins is a window dresser at best. The economy is currently out of control.
In terms of the regime change, who does Hipkins thinks he is fooling? Mahuta keeps Foreign Affairs, yet 2 years ago she had a fear of flying when challenged, but now the spin is her kids are older so she can travel – what the spin really means is she going on a 6 month global trip to keep her out of sight, and out of mind to alleviate the 3 Waters fiasco.
Hipkins was one the worst performers in the Education portfolio, and the newbie will be no better.
Stuart Nash gets the Police back, despite losing it in 2020 – will we finally get the 1800 new cops he claimed would happen?
Will Nash again lean on the SFO to try and hobble NZ First? My sources tell me that the Crown is looking at a September date for the appeal.
Ayesha Verrall grabbed an elevator to the top floor to take over as Minster for Health – that’s a disaster waiting happen for that portfolio.
Finally think about the top four in Labour who make the BIG decision for Kiwis – those who will affect the daily lives of all kiwis are now defined by their residential address, race, or gender, from a very narrow list of who really wanted the roles within Cabinet, rather than based on competency, experience or ability.
It’s clearly going to be a tough year…… but Chris Luxon will only win if Labour lose, as he won’t win by being the better Politician with the grunt to show the NZ voters the way.
Scary times ahead. The real question is will Hipkins go early and call a snap election?