Felix Egmont Geiringer LLB

A Lawman. He Is Used To Dealing With Difficult And Novel Matters… Apparently.

For the record this site has twice written to Mr Geiringer asking for comment and evidence, and both times he has failed to reply. Our offer Felix still stands that any reply will be published unedited. We just want the evidence Felix to back up your baseless allegations. The evidence you claim to have seen! Hearsay & bullshit springs to mind.

Why would a lawyer of Felix’s (supposed) calibre lie to the NZ Law Society? It is a very curious question. Then again Felix Geiringer did get run over by Bill Birch’s ministerial car when he was protesting. He is no stranger to controversy. We reckon those broken ribs must of hurt.

Spring says “I was astounded by the lies of Geiringer, and I was equally astounded how stupid the NZ Law Society was in accepting his response – I want him to prove his allegations”. (We know he can’t)

As readers know from a previous story on this site that Matthew  Blomfield’s version of events that made its way into the Whale Oil book, published by Potton and Burton, and authored by Margie Thomson, is 100% NOT true. We are currently investigating the possible fraud against the insurers.

So why would a senior barrister like Felix Geiringer of Lambton Chambers make up such defamatory allegations to the Law Society in a response to a complaint?

Spring says “maybe that’s why Felix is no longer acting on the Blomfield V Slater matter which is, after a decade still ongoing”. This site has also been told that Blomfield has not paid his outstanding bill.

Nonetheless the damage that liars like Geiringer are doing, or have done, take their toll.

We all know the NZ Law Society have a lot to answer for, and the overhaul of that wet bus ticket operation has finally begun.

Spring says “the connection between Nicky Hagar, Matthew Blomfield and another scumbag lawyer called Steven Price in my view shows the collusion” Spring has written to both Price and Hagar, and they have never replied. In our view it’s pretty telling as if they could verify their claims they would.

Steven Price as we know, was the “legal clown” who signed off on the untruthfulness of the Whale Oil book – look how that turned out! And to think he teaches the kids of today about the law at Victoria University in Wellington.

Emails seen by the site also show that Springs ex father in law, Ralph Norris, has also been in contact with Felix Geiringer. In those emails Norris states he considered suing Spring for defamation. That is something Spring would relish, as he was unequivocal on that matter “tell Norris to strap a set on and have a go, as once he stops telling lies about me I will stop telling the truth about him, you only have to look at the latest class action against Fletchers in Australia to see what he was up to” (Story to come at this site)

Norris and his claim of defamation is frankly pathetic. It’s just words of a bitter loser who lost in the courts to a Lay Litigant (Spring) who tells the truth. Norris also gave Matthew Blomfield two affidavits against Spring. Who does that when kids are involved? The answer is simple. Norris has no care for his grandkids, he’s all about defending his now broken reputation. Spring says “Ralph Norris needs to resign as Chairman of Craig Investment Partners and disappear from view as his days are over”

Spring says “it was quite a laugh when Norris said there is no point suing me as I have little money, but yet he fails to see that suing is not about money, but getting a declaration about the truth, its all just crap from a guy that cost Air NZ a billion with the Ansett purchase when he was on that Board, his tenure at CBA saw the Royal Commission into banking, and then Fletchers lost billions with him as Chairman, and now a class action has been launched… it says it all in my humble opinion”

Any way back to Geiringer – he chooses strange bed fellows. This site wants Felix Geiringer to put up or shut up. If he holds information he says he does, then why do the NZ Police say no such evidence exists?.

Maybe Spring needs to sue Felix Geiringer for defamation. After all Spring is 2 from 2.

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