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Then Editor, Shayne Currie & John Manukia

Another Day, Another Story At The NZ Herald With Missing Facts
Google is brilliant tool, much better than any tool from the NZ Herald.
Yesterday we saw a story by ex Editor, and now Editor at large, Shayne Currie about the day he received a phone call when he was the Editor at the Herald on Sunday, from the now deceased lawyer, John Haig QC.

That day was Tuesday 18th October, 2005. 
Haig QC, according to Currie, opened the conversation with “We have a problem”… 
They say that newsrooms are ‘unique places’ fuelled with creative ideas, and a sense of purpose.
Hold that thought on ‘creative ideas’… but we thought the news was the news, not a ‘creative idea’.
Every interview, according to the NZ Herald story today, authored by Shayne Currie, has a nuance and a unique idea, with many variables.
Hmmm interesting stuff. 
The article goes on to say that ’Newsrooms and journalists operate in a high – trust environment’, ‘more so than other industries”, and ‘reporters play a critical role in the first draft of history’.
A quick call to our sources soon revealed that John Manukia was the man behind a dodgy story about a cop, but there is where the bullshit meter hits overdrive. As much as it would be great to believe that Manukia made just one mistake, we have been told that Manukia had a history of writing bullshit.
How did Currie not know? 
So,  Currie talks of how he had a bad day when he was called by Haig QC, but the trouble is Shayne, this is not the only time you knew about Manukia’s fiction writing skill set, as it’s also widely known that when Manukia was at his previous employment at Fairfax, churning bullshit yarns was his way of being a so called reporter. 
So as we can see, a few facts have today been once again overlooked by the Editor at large, Shayne Currie. 
Currie hired Manukia – so what background checks did he make prior to employing him?
It was widely known at the time that many of Manukia’s stores were dubious at best. 
Sadly it appears this story is just another example in our view of the nonsense that the NZ Herald is pushing on the gullible in NZ. 
We also question what the timing means of an ex Editor trying to cover off a story about a single work place blunder, when it’s well known in media circles that Manukia had multiple issues, that were not fact checked by then Editor, Shayne Currie, nor by his previous employer. Fairfax 
Spring says “I have written to Currie, David Fisher, offering evidence on several occasions to assist in stories they have approved, and they never bother to use any of it… the issue at the NZ Herald is the control the news, they don’t report it based on the facts” Spring goes on to say “I wrote to the NZME Board, as well as supplying them with documents that should have been referred to in several stores, but even at Board level it’s quite clear that NZME has a very different agenda” 
This story by Shayne Currie is a very romantic view of the real story, and just another attempt at, as Shayne says, “ a first draft of history” 
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