As this unfolds more players are falling out of the woodwork so to speak …
Both John Tamihere and Lance Norman currently hold roles at WOCA, Waipareira Trust and Te Pāti Māori…. Conflict much ?
WOCA receives government funding which is distributed to organisations such as Waipareira Trust, and the National Urban Māori Authority, both of which are registered charities.
Both charities have provided financial support to the political party, Te Pāti Māori, as has Tamihere himself. How does that work ?
Just as WOCA and Waipareira are considered to be Related Parties for accounting purposes, Te Pāti Māori, is in effect, another Related Party.
Described in a 2016 E-tangata article as “the polar opposite of his firebrand mentors John Tamihere and Willie Jackson … they’ve come to me and said: Hey you be the nice face”.
Norman had previously spent years working with Tamihere as the finance funding manager for Waipareira Trust, “effectively the money person”. The article describes his “particular forte – using his commercial skills to access government money.”
In 2016/17, the chief executive of the National Urban Māori Authority was Lance Norman, the current secretary and treasurer of Te Pāti Māori.
Like his mentor, John Tamihere, Norman currently holds roles at the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency (WOCA), the Waipareira Trust and Te Pāti Māori.
Times up gravy trainers !
The lingering question is where is the SFO in all of this?
Or at least a Ministerial enquiry?