The Buyout of Stuff

So did Stuff just rely on the PIJF?
Or was it just good luck to buy the business for a buck ??
Why does this not add up 🤷🏽‍♂️
Interesting confirmation from the owner of Stuff, Sinead Boucher who confirmed that, “I do not have any other funders, secret backers or non-secret backers – or anything like that.” Potential backers were however in the picture when the sale was confirmed three years ago. 
Boucher confirmed as much in affidavit evidence given in connection with a legal challenge to the sale stating, “The announcement of Ms Boucher’s purchase of Stuff has been well received by … potential investors and venture partners.”

There is more to come on all of this – the information out of Ms Bouchers affidavit raises some interesting questions.

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