What Is Christopher Luxon Scared Of?

MMP Is About Making Deals.End Of Story.
Watching the live TV debates between Chris and Christopher, is well…. boring. Just a shout fest by a very desperate Labour leader who should soon be banished to the back benches. 
First it was Chris Hipikns telling lies about how HE cut Winston Peters out of the coalition equation, when the real facts are that Winston Peters stated on the public record months before that he would NOT work with any Labour Coalition after the 2023 election. Peters made that statement as far back as November 2022. 
For months we have heard Christopher Luxon dance around the issue of NZF and Winston Peters, then in the last few days he has had to conceded that he would pick up the phone after the election numbers are in, and talk to Winston Peters if need be, all the while still saying he prefers a deal with just the National Party and Act. 
The problem is not that Act of NZF are looking like they are both required, its that National, under Luxon’s leadership have continually failed to gain the traction they need – the reality is they are stuck in a rut, and that rut is voter numbers looking like a mid to high 30% at best. National have quite clearly not provided the electorate with enough confidence that they can do the job at hand. 
Sure, in some polls Luxon is now ahead of the incumbent unelected caretaker PM, Chris Hipkins, but given the dire state of the country that should be no surprise. 
So back to the question of “What is Luxon scared of”?
Since Christopher Luxon took over the reigns at the National party, we have heard constantly from both himself and his party that he is a leader, with a global skill set, and where he has run huge teams, where he claims to have got the best from them. 
Well Christopher, if your skill set is so impressive, then what’s the probem dealing with just 2 men who are there to help you govern? 
With Luxon’s time running large corporates and publicly listed companies, with Air NZ in particular being tied via a substantial shareholding to the NZ government, what is he worried about? 
Surely its just another day at the office getting the most out of his people, and making sure that he brings the best out of each of his MPs, and coalition partners, to deliver a better outcome for all New Zealanders. 
As Winston Peters said “this is not my first rodeo”.
Something that both National and Act seemed to have missed, is that their campaigns simply have not been good enough. 
Time will tell, but something tells us that Luxon is simply out of his death and he knows it. 
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