The School Kids of the Press Gallery

With a new three way coalition government to be sworn in today, its time for the pre-schoolers who have dominated the Press Gallery to grow up, or piss off.
We have already seen Winston Peters, and to a certain degree, Christopher Luxon put the media in its place.
Peters has been particularly vocal about how childish and the pathetic the NZ media has become. 
The incoming government brings 3 very strong willed men, each with their own distinctive personalities and differing skill sets. 
Skill sets, that if managed properly should be very advantageous to NZ. 
Whilst the trio have at times collided on matters of importance in their respective parties, and at times personal animosity has crept in, the 3 leaders will bring experience and strengths to the new coalition. 
Many people we are talking to are feeling optimistic about the new direction NZ could, and should head in. A renewed focus. 
The dysfunctional media played a huge role in promoting the previous governments agendas, but at times (more often than not), the media promoted the ’news’ as their take on it, rather than what the message really should have been. 
At times the Labour Party were humiliated by the very media people who were enjoying the public funds that Labour provided. That shone through on election night. In the end the media became biased and agenda driven rather than fact driven.
The media shills, under Labour, appeared to have assumed the role of simply promoting their own agenda.
It appears that the coalition agreements were well received by the various party donors, supporters, and Boards. That is telling, and provides a good working base for the 3 party coalition to start the massive task of rebuilding NZ. 
No doubt the media hysteria will be never far from view – one only had to look at the nonsense commentary about how long the coalition took to form a government, when the reality was that no government could be formed until after the special votes were counted. 
Its time for the adults to enter the room, as most in the Press Gallery so far don’t understand that the Gallery scuttlebutt and childish antics need to be thing of the past. th
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