Who Is Next in the Coalition Purge?

With two scalps already taken this week, that being NZ On Air Board member Andrew Shaw, and Pharmac Chair Steve Maharey, who is next??
The two most talked about candidates are Reserve Bank Governor, Adrian Orr, and Police Commissioner Andrew Coster.
Sacking both Orr and Coster would be a decisive move that would give the NZ public confidence that the 3 way coalition means business. It would remove two Labour appointees who clearly have a different agenda to what the mandate should be for running such departments. The political interference has been something we have not witnessed in quite some time. 
Failed ex Finance Minister Grant Roberston, so kindly extended Adrian Orr’s contract for 5 years from 27 March 2023, much to the ire of the National Party. 
Jacinda Ardern appointed Andrew Coster to his role for 5 years on April 3, 2020, and with the new government now sworn in, the new Police Minster, Mark Mitchell has to date refused to endorse Coster. 

The extended appointment by Robertson of Orr should not have been allowed – Robertson has saddled NZ with an incompetent Reserve Bank Governor for a further 2 years, or the tax payer likely faces paying out a large severance package. 
Robertsons move was very deliberate in our view. 
With the NZ economy years away from rebounding, and public safety from crime continuing to be a concern, its time for the new government to act swiftly, and decisively, as both Orr and Coster have proven to be ineffective in their respective roles.
The leadership of the Reserve Bank, nor the NZ Police should be made as ‘political ‘appointments’ – they MUST be returned to being completely independent. 
Trevor Mallard must also get a mention, as his disgraceful behaviour not only as Speaker, but his overall time in Parliament was hardly deserving of his tax payer funded post to Ireland. With Winston Peters as Foreign Minister, its fair to say that Mallard now finds himself in a position that sees him as totally ineffective. A lame ‘Mallard’ duck. 
The answer is simple – SACK THEM ALL IMMEDIATELY
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