Hipkins Will Always Be a Loser

Failed ex caretaker PM, Chris Hipkins, was again today proving he is not worthy, nor capable of the top job – hence why he got kicked to touch.
The dire state of NZ, and its economy, are a direct result of his pathetic leadership, and the continuation of his endorsement of the failed policies implemented by Jacinda Ardern. 
His attack today on PM Luxon’s wife is indicative of whats to come for the next 3 year term.
Luxon never attacked Hipkins personal life when it all came out about Hipkins, and his new misses. 
The scrappy nonsense by the new opposition shows they have zero left to fight with, just vile personal attacks. 
On the campaign trail, it was Hipkins who said he admired Luxon, and his family.
Now it’s ’tit for tat’ over the ever gracious Amanda Luxon.
The rebate on EVs was an abominable joke from the last government … all power to those who took up the offer. 
The desperation by Labour is already on display due to the lack of real ammunition and firepower they think they possess. 
As for the shit show 757’s, just buy a BBJ (Boeing Business Jet) and be done with it. 
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