The Decade of Defamation – Part One

On December 21st, 2023, we promised to bring the 3 parts of a ‘decade of defamation’ of Marc Spring.
To all those who have called and messaged, thanks so much for the support – in some cases its been people passing on further evidence of lies we were not aware of. Suffice to say, that will make for some more great stories in 2024. 

Todays post will detail in a ‘broad brush’ way of whats gone on for the last 10 years … in the coming days we will dig deep in what we are revealing – much more in-depth stories. 
PART 1 – The house sale. 
Divorce is invigorating, a time to leave cheating spouses behind, and to be rid of wider family members who interfere. But what is not right in a divorce is for ex father and mother in laws to start telling devious lies to real estate agents when the matrimonial home is being cashed up. Thats precisely what happened to Spring. The agents in question are a couple of old timers from Barfoot Epsom, Diana and Peter West. Spring says “they fucked up the house sale, and made false claims they knew the proposed purchaser”. Once the debacle unfolded, Spring took up a complaint with the REAA/READT to get to the bottom of what was was going on. The reply in a letter from Diana West was startling… she refused to acknowledge that she had misled Spring, but what she however did, was attempt to crucify Spring at the disciplinary hearing by recounting vile, false and defamatory comments made to them by Springs ex father and mother law – Ralph and Pamela Norris. Spring says “these guys were telling the agents of Court cases they had claimed they had won against me, yet we had never been to Court at that point, wild stories of court orders that never existed”. The real estate agents, stunned to find out they had been deliberately lied to and misled, still refused to apologise. Spring says “the hearing at the READT was fantastic as I got to examine the real estate agents, and being under oath, they had to admit in detail what they had been told, and then they had to accept that none of it was true”. They never even attempted to obtain an affidavit from Ralph and Pamela Norris as they knew they could not get one as NO orders, or documents existed. They had been lied to. 
PART 2 – The Whale Oil book. 
It is well reported on this site about the extremely defamatory material that was part of the Whale Oil book, authored by Margie Thomson, and published by Potton and Burton. It’s also well known that Thomson, and Potton and Burton had to rely on their insurers to settle the massive legal bills, and the multiple payouts made to complainants. Spring being one of them… Ralph Norris strikes again… in the court ordered discovery process there are emails between Norris, and Wellington based Barrister, Felix Geiringer. Spring says “what on earth is the grandfather of my beautiful kids doing engaging with these people without making sure he is at no risk, and that he is part of a book that is true, given the children involved”. This site has written to Ralph Norris on several occasions for comment, and he has so far refused to engage. Springs says “I am now investigating who paid the fee to have the Whale Oil booked published as its been suggested to me through sources that ex family members were involved, as most of those involved with the book are broken arses”.  What is totally clear is that Norris would hitch his wagon to anyone he can in an attempt to discredit me. 
PART 3 – Craig Mason and Gary Periam.
As previously reported at, Spring took to the High Court to sue Craig Mason for defamation. Whilst Mason, who has no money, never paid, it was declaration that Spring sought – the High Court agreed with Spring, and the substantial judgement was made in his favour. Spring says “I recently sold the debt so Mason can deal with the boys doing the collection, it should be a fabulous 2024 for him”. But, once again its Ralph Norris who pops up in the mix of the Mason case. Spring had a private investigator talk with Mason, and also with Gary Periam – sacked motor industry pisshead dope smoker,  Periam happily divulged that Ralph Norris had been coming in for years telling him stories about Spring. Periam then happily spread the disgusting defamatory comments to anyone who would listen, but all the while Periam was dealing with Spring on a daily basis in a professional capacity, inviting Spring for the occasional wine, and telling him the ‘odd’ thing Norris had told him. 
Spring says “I have made it my mission to clear my name, and set the record straight, and its telling that nobody has sued me, nor attempted to have this blog taken down as any High Court case would see all our information stand up in a NZ Court. 
Springs says “one of my kids was recently illegally removed from NZ, no permission given, and its just a further example of the arrogance of these people” 
Spring says “the Court records, High Court, Court of Appeal, and Family Court all speak for themselves, just as the mutual agreement for custody of the kids. 2024 we will be back in Court. 
In 2024 I will detail the threats that Norris made to my family members, and the threats he made to one of employers…. we will probably publish the letter that set that all off – a very dirty allegation 
Coming up, Ralph Norris and his global high profile directorships, and the burning questions of the abysmal track record which saw one of NZs biggest companies, Fletchers lose over $4B with him as Chair, and the story thats seen little light on this side of the ditch with regard to the Royal Commission of enquiry in to Commonwealth Bank of AU when he was in charge. 
To all the mums and dads out there who I have helped with your Family Court cases, have a Merry Christmas. You may not be seeing your kids, but hang in there. 
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