The Green Party Cover Up of Shoplifter Golriz Exposed – December 23rd, 2023.

Politics is a dirty business, but it’s also a high trust model. 
The NZ public has to be able to trust its elected government officials. Sadly that appears to not be the case with The Green Party of NZ. 
The Green Party has now been caught out with the attempted ‘cover up’ of shoplifter, Golriz Ghahraman. 
The initial alleged event of shoplifting was December 23rd, 2023.
So, with the first event happening pre-xmas, it’s very clear that the Greens were hoping this was going to be an event that was hidden under the rug, out of sight.
Our sources have confirmed that the Greens have viewed the CCTV footage, and that they confirmed the identity of their MP, Golriz. 
So since December 23rd, 2023, the Greens have known about this theft issue, seen the CCTV footage, and done nothing.
Only yesterday did the Greens stand down their MP after we broke the story. 
Why did the Greens not stand Golriz down as soon a she was outed by CCTV after they viewed it?
Why was she only stood down yesterday?
We also have been told that Golriz was wearing a head scarf… it appears to us she was there trying to hide her appearance.
Hiding her appearance leads to some yet to be answered questions… kleptomania?, just thief?, or maybe a hater of rich people? What was her motivation?
The Green Party has some very serious questions they are facing about why they have acted like they have – just imagine if it was a National Party member!
Heads need to roll….
So much more to come… 
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