The Green Party Breaks Its Golriz Silence via Left Leaning Media Outlet – RNZ

So, now is it Scotties Boutiques fault that serial shoplifter, Green MP, Golriz Ghahraman stole, not once, but twice?
Of all the pathetic media outlets in NZ, its Radio New Zealand who miraculously has the ’story in reply’.
Give us a break. 
Marc Spring Media (MSM), has been chasing, Newstalk ZB has been chasing… but oh look it’s the good old left leaning RNZ.
RNZ says “in the 2 days since the allegation was first made public, James Shaw and Marama Davison have refused to comment”… HANG ON – The Greens knew about this prior to Christmas. 
RNZ also says “the boutique did not want the allegations made public”… HANG ON – The Greens knew a complaint was made to the NZ Police prior to Christmas. 
Shaw and Davidson have now said they became aware of the allegation against Golriz on December 27th, 2023… HANG ON – they did not ask her to step down immediately ? 
RNZ take a bow… you have waded in at the 11th hour with your known lefty agenda. 
What about the Green Party being shown the CCTV footage? Yet they attempted to hide the story until we came along. 
The end should be imminent for The Green Party. 
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