Green Party co-leaders say Golriz Ghahraman faced threats of sexual and physical violence while working as an MP.
Their comments follow her resignation today after allegations of shoplifting. She said that her mental health had been “badly affected” by the stress of her work as an MP.
Green Party leaders James Shaw and Marama Davidson told a press conference this afternoon that they supported her decision to resign and that she was in a state of extreme stress.
Shaw said, “Obviously Parliament is a stressful place for anybody, but Ghahraman has been subject to continuous threats of sexual violence, physical violence, and death threats”.
He said she faced a higher level of threat than other MPs. There had been police investigations into the threats.
RefuGeeGee Is Crying A River Of Tears All The Way To The High Court
More fool those at this investigative blog site who thought we had seen the last of this tax payer funded