The Devil Wore Scotties… More on Golriz

It’s the story that just won’t go away… so many unanswered questions remain.
An OIA request of the NZ Police sheds more light on just who knew what, and when.
The government has a “no surprises” policy with the NZ Police. 
That means the sitting Police Minister is kept across operational matters and investigations that could affect or involve MPs.
The OIA request reveals that neither ex Police Minister Ginny Andersen, nor newly appointed Police Minister Mark Mitchell had been informed about the shoplifting and theft allegations made against then Green MP, Golriz Ghaharman.
However there was no denial about a Police investigation being underway.
So that leaves so many unanswered questions …
Why did the Police Commissioner not utilise the “no surprises” policy ?
Who at the Police took the October 2023 statement from the Wellington store ?
Who was part of what looks like a deliberate attempt to cover up Ms Ghahraman’s offending?
One source told us they believed that a senior Green Party member approached the NZ Police and effectively interfered into a very serious Police matter involving one of its MPs in an attempt to keep the matter hidden from public view.
In time it will all come out… and those involved should be prosecuted for attempting to pervert the course of justice.
More to come …
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