Eye Surgeon Pleads Guilty to Meth Charges

The much anticipated murder trial starts today in the High Court at Auckland where eye surgeon, Philip Polkinghorne, stands accused of murdering his then wife Pauline Hanna.
The defendant, Philip Polkinghorne, has pleaded not guilty to the murder charge.
The trial has it all, sex, drugs, hookers, and some very serious allegations of deviant behaviour. The jury are in for a real treat!
With Polkinghorne pleading guilty this morning to methamphetamine charges, that now raises some more serious questions about his drug use.
Was Polkinghorn ever using drugs (meth) when treating his patients?
This site is aware of one patient who lost their vision in one eye after a fall that saw the patient have a fractured cheek, and eye socket, and on the advice of Polkinghorne returned home , rather than being sent to the emergency department at Auckland Hospital for surgery. 
A second professional opinion was sort by the patient some time later (after being permanently blinded in one eye), and the reviewing Doctor noted that had the injury been treated in the correct manner, the patient would still today have vision in the damaged eye. 
More to come as the trial unfolds… 
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