Waka Jumping & Principles – The Green Party Timebomb

What principles? 

The slow moving train wreck that is the Green Party, and its incompetent leader, Chloe Swarbrick, has surely now entered the catastrophic phase. 
Swarbrick and her band of misfits have allowed Darlene Tana to dictate terms of this shit show that we, the tax payer are continually funding.
The Green Party claim they are a “principle party” when it comes to the Waka Jumping act. 
Can anyone point us to anything the Green Party does that is based on their so called principles? They certainly have not acted in the best interests of the voting public.
Darlene Tana is literally laughing all the way to the bank each week with her salary at the tax payers expense whilst she sits there smirking next to TPM. 
Frankly TPM should be ashamed of themselves for allowing Tana sit amongst their ranks. 
Our sources say that Darlene Tana has told Swarbrick that should she make any moves against her, then she would spill the beans publicly on the unknown dirty laundry that has thus far been kept hidden by the Greens from the public’s view. 
More to come on the dirty laundry…
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