Todays Peacock Is Tomorrows Feather Duster!

After years of parading like peacocks (cocks) on social media, Kenyon and Charlotte Clarke’s tails are now firmly between their legs. 
Tonight 1News disclosed that the initial value of the Du Val catastrophe is circa $250m.
Where is that money? Nobody knows yet.
What we do know is Kenyon Clarke is a liar, and a fantasist. 
But what’s bizarre is Kenyons claims to this site about the size of the debt he owed – he says he “owed $400m”, and, “not a billion yet”.
Who brags about debt they don’t have ? Clearly this idiot does. 
If you thought it was bad enough that Kenyon Clarke claimed to be half way to being a billionaire, it’s really quite something else to bullshit the size of the debt they owe. 
This story is a gift that just keeps giving. 
Stay tuned…
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