Club Duval Is Over 

With all the postering, and nonsense MSM stories about the solvency and cash in the bank at Duval, we now know that the continued posturing by Kenyon Clarke with his limited selection of media flunkies is over. 

Solvency, according to Kenyon Clarke was $5.1M in the bank. 

That of course was funds ‘ring fenced’ to pay GST on unit sales to the IRD. The true amount in the bank was a pittance, just $120,000.00

So in typical fashion, the talk of our ex Instagram maestro amounts to nothing of any value. Much like the carcass of Duval.

Just what made Duval such a big failure? Clearly the Directors, Kenyon and Charlotte Clarke, along with the Board, mainly consisting of John Dalzell and Owen Culliney are utterly incompetent. 

It leads to a very good question – in the roll call of ‘who’s who in the zoo’ – which staff that worked at Duval came from any pedigree and a background of any note that would provide a skill set to run any of the companies various departments? 

That answer appears to be not a single person.

Every single element of this business was a disaster, a complete failure. 

With so much ‘flash cash’, and what looked like a hip, funky, up and coming property firm with huge aspirations, why could it not attract any star performers? 

The answer is simple. One man is the reason why, and that man is Kenyon Clarke.  

The rest as they say…is history. 

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