This time it was Spring helping a client – acting as his McKenzie Friend.
With all the hallmarks of Spring V Craig Mason, the case involved a well known car dealer, John Murphy.
Whilst nowhere near as vulgar or vile as the Mason case where Spring was awarded $170,000.00 in damages (not that Spring received any money as Mason is now a bankrupt), it was a similar claim, where once again a very deliberate and knowingly false allegation was placed on Murphys business Facebook page in an attempt to destroy a persons name, and their business reputation.

The defendant, Jasmine Cai (as she is known), who is a registered Chartered Accountant in NZ, for some reason decided to allege Mr Murphy had stolen her car, when he had in fact purchased it outright from Ms Cai’s husband.
It was not just the allegation made on Facebook, but Ms Cai saw it fit to make a false complaint to the NZ Police alleging the car was stolen, all the while knowing it was never stolen. Ms Cai and her husband also engaged in abusive and threatening behaviour that was caught on CCTV at Murphys dealership, Central Car Company in Greenlane.
In this case, Murphy sort the knowledge that Spring had with regards to defamation, and in doing so, the Court allowed Spring to act as his Mckenzie Friend, and, in what is likely very rare, Spring also ran the case making submissions and examining the witnesses on behalf of Mr Murphy.
Spring says “Mr Murphy found the whole process very stressful, and both he and I were very grateful for Her Honour, Judge Andersons approval that I be able to assist the Court like I did”.
Whilst there was only 1 offending comment placed on Facebook, and a Google review, the case was a matter of principle to Murphy – he was however rewarded with a High Court judgement in his favour confirming that he had indeed been defamed, and he was awarded $20,000.00 plus costs in damages – these are yet to paid, and if they are not, a bankruptcy proceeding will be filed against Ms Cai.
This is not the end of the issues Ms Cai faces, as we believe she has breached the rules and guidelines that govern a chartered accountant in NZ, she is a member of CAANZ, but she also needs to be charged for making a false compliant to the NZ Police.
It is likely a private prosecution will follow if the NZ Police do not act as it is crime under the Crimes Act 1961 to make a knowingly false statement. Spring is going to run that case on behalf of Mr Murphy.
We will also update on the complaint made to CAANZ about the conduct of Ms Cai.
More to come..