RefuGeeGee Is Crying A River Of Tears All The Way To The High Court
More fool those at this investigative blog site who thought we had seen the last of this tax payer funded
Just Truth, Facts and My Opinions, but no Fantasy or Conspiracy Theories.
More fool those at this investigative blog site who thought we had seen the last of this tax payer funded
As the FMA (and likely other agencies) proceed with legal proceedings against the various Duval legal entities, and Kenyon and
If Duval being placed in Statutory Management was not a warning sign, then what is when it comes to property
Luxon sells a home for a profit and the local MSM clown show lose it. Our worst PM ever, Jacinda Ardern
The Clarke’s, Du Val, iClaw Law, and the elaborate tax evasion scheme.
With all the postering, and nonsense MSM stories about the solvency and cash in the bank at Duval, we now
Join us on December 24th, 2023 It’s a 3 part story on the same day Stay tuned !
On December 24, 2023, this site will run the story of what happened a decade ago. Where it all started. Why
Promoted as a ‘masterpiece of meticulous research’ on the books front cover, and praised by a gullible media, this sites through investigations
One Of The More Bizarre Defamation Cases Finally Got Going Yesterday
Kids want to learn, and get a piece of paper that leads to being better paid, and a brighter future – well thats the theory anyway.
Or Is Lawyer, Steven Price Negligent, Or Incompetent, Or Both?
We Know From The Front Cover Of The Whale Oil Book That The ‘Claim’ Was Meticulous Research, But The Evidence Proves Otherwise
This Site Has Been Very Proactive In Contacting People For Information, For Their Side Of The Story. You Know, For Them To Justify Their Lies.